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Lakekeeper is configured via environment variables. Settings listed in this page are shared between all projects and warehouses. Previous to Lakekeeper Version 0.5.0 please prefix all environment variables with ICEBERG_REST__ instead of LAKEKEEPER__.

For most deployments, we recommend to set at least the following variables: LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE_URL_READ, LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE_URL_WRITE, LAKEKEEPER__PG_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

Routing and Base-URL

Some Lakekeeper endspoints return links pointing at Lakekeeper itself. By default, these links are generated using the x-forwarded-for, x-forwarded-proto and x-forwarded-port headers, if these are not present, the host header is used. If these heuristics are not working for you, you may set the LAKEKEEPER_BASE_URI environment variable to the base-URL where Lakekeeper is externally reachable. This may be necessary if Lakekeeper runs behind a reverse proxy or load balancer, and you cannot set the headers accordingly. In general, we recommend relying on the headers.


Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__BASE_URI Optional base-URL where the catalog is externally reachable. Default: None. See Routing and Base-URL.
LAKEKEEPER__ENABLE_DEFAULT_PROJECT true If true, the NIL Project ID ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") is used as a default if the user does not specify a project when connecting. This option is enabled by default, which we recommend for all single-project (single-tenant) setups. Default: true.
LAKEKEEPER__RESERVED_NAMESPACES system,examples,information_schema Reserved Namespaces that cannot be created via the REST interface
LAKEKEEPER__METRICS_PORT 9000 Port where the Prometheus metrics endpoint is reachable. Default: 9000
LAKEKEEPER__LISTEN_PORT 8181 Port the Lakekeeper listens on. Default: 8181
LAKEKEEPER__SECRET_BACKEND postgres The secret backend to use. If kv2 (Hashicorp KV Version 2) is chosen, you need to provide additional parameters Default: postgres, one-of: [postgres, kv2]
LAKEKEEPER__ALLOW_ORIGIN * A comma separated list of allowed origins for CORS.

Persistence Store

Currently Lakekeeper supports only Postgres as a persistence store. You may either provide connection strings using PG_DATABASE_URL_READ or use the PG_* environment variables. Connection strings take precedence:

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE_URL_READ postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/iceberg Postgres Database connection string used for reading. Defaults to LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE_URL_WRITE.
LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE_URL_WRITE postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/iceberg Postgres Database connection string used for writing.
LAKEKEEPER__PG_ENCRYPTION_KEY This is unsafe, please set a proper key If LAKEKEEPER__SECRET_BACKEND=postgres, this key is used to encrypt secrets. It is required to change this for production deployments.
LAKEKEEPER__PG_READ_POOL_CONNECTIONS 10 Number of connections in the read pool
LAKEKEEPER__PG_WRITE_POOL_CONNECTIONS 5 Number of connections in the write pool
LAKEKEEPER__PG_HOST_R localhost Hostname for read operations. Defaults to LAKEKEEPER__PG_HOST_W.
LAKEKEEPER__PG_HOST_W localhost Hostname for write operations
LAKEKEEPER__PG_PORT 5432 Port number
LAKEKEEPER__PG_USER postgres Username for authentication
LAKEKEEPER__PG_PASSWORD password Password for authentication
LAKEKEEPER__PG_DATABASE iceberg Database name
LAKEKEEPER__PG_SSL_MODE require SSL mode (disable, allow, prefer, require)
LAKEKEEPER__PG_SSL_ROOT_CERT /path/to/root/cert Path to SSL root certificate
LAKEKEEPER__PG_TEST_BEFORE_ACQUIRE true Test connections before acquiring from the pool
LAKEKEEPER__PG_CONNECTION_MAX_LIFETIME 1800 Maximum lifetime of connections in seconds

Vault KV Version 2

Configuration parameters if a Vault KV version 2 (i.e. Hashicorp Vault) compatible storage is used as a backend. Currently, we only support the userpass authentication method. Configuration may be passed as single values like LAKEKEEPER__KV2__URL=http://vault.local or as a compound value: LAKEKEEPER__KV2='{url="http://localhost:1234", user="test", password="test", secret_mount="secret"}'

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__KV2__URL https://vault.local URL of the KV2 backend
LAKEKEEPER__KV2__USER admin Username to authenticate against the KV2 backend
LAKEKEEPER__KV2__PASSWORD password Password to authenticate against the KV2 backend
LAKEKEEPER__KV2__SECRET_MOUNT kv/data/iceberg Path to the secret mount in the KV2 backend

Task queues

Lakekeeper uses task queues internally to remove soft-deleted tabulars and purge tabular files. The following global configuration options are available:

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__QUEUE_CONFIG__MAX_RETRIES 5 Number of retries before a task is considered failed Default: 5
LAKEKEEPER__QUEUE_CONFIG__MAX_AGE 3600 Amount of seconds before a task is considered stale and could be picked up by another worker. Default: 3600
LAKEKEEPER__QUEUE_CONFIG__POLL_INTERVAL 3600ms/30s/30(deprecated) Interval between polling for new tasks. Default: 10s. Supported units: ms (milliseconds) and s (seconds), leaving the unit out is deprecated, it'll default to seconds but is due to be removed in a future release.


Lakekeeper can publish change events to Nats (Kafka is coming soon). The following configuration options are available:

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_ADDRESS nats://localhost:4222 The URL of the NATS server to connect to
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_TOPIC iceberg The subject to publish events to
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_USER test-user User to authenticate against nats, needs LAKEKEEPER__NATS_PASSWORD
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_PASSWORD test-password Password to authenticate against nats, needs LAKEKEEPER__NATS_USER
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_CREDS_FILE /path/to/file.creds Path to a file containing nats credentials
LAKEKEEPER__NATS_TOKEN xyz Nats token to use for authentication
### Logging Cloudevents

Cloudevents can also be logged, if you do not have Nats up and running. This feature can be enabled by setting



To prohibit unwanted access to data, we recommend to enable Authentication.

Authentication is enabled if:


External OpenID and Kubernetes Authentication can also be enabled together. If LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI is specified, Lakekeeper will verify access tokens against this provider. The provider must provide the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint and the openid-configuration needs to have jwks_uri and issuer defined.


  • Keycloak: https://keycloak.local/realms/{your-realm}
  • Entra-ID:{your-tenant-id-here}/v2.0/

Please check the Authentication Guide for more details.

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI https://keycloak.local/realms/{your-realm} OpenID Provider URL.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_AUDIENCE the-client-id-of-my-app If set, the aud of the provided token must match the value provided. Multiple allowed audiences can be provided as a comma separated list.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_ADDITIONAL_ISSUERS<Tenant>/ A comma separated list of additional issuers to trust. The issuer defined in the issuer field of the .well-known/openid-configuration is always trusted. LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_ADDITIONAL_ISSUERS has no effect if LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI is not set.
LAKEKEEPER__ENABLE_KUBERNETES_AUTHENTICATION true If true, kubernetes service accounts can authenticate to Lakekeeper. This option is compatible with LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI - multiple IdPs (OIDC and Kubernetes) can be enabled simultaneously.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_SCOPE lakekeeper Specify a scope that must be present in provided tokens received from the openid provider.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_SUBJECT_CLAIM sub or oid Specify the field in the user's claims that is used to identify a User. By default Lakekeeper uses the oid field if present, otherwise the sub field is used. We strongly recommend setting this configuration explicitly in production deployments. Entra-ID users want to use the oid claim, users from all other IdPs most likely want to use the sub claim.


Authorization is only effective if Authentication is enabled. Authorization must not be enabled after Lakekeeper has been bootstrapped! Please create a new Lakekeeper instance, bootstrap it with authorization enabled, and migrate your tables.

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__AUTHZ_BACKEND allowall The authorization backend to use. If openfga is chosen, you need to provide additional parameters. The allowall backend disables authorization - authenticated users can access all endpoints. Default: allowall, one-of: [openfga, allowall]
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__ENDPOINT http://localhost:35081 OpenFGA Endpoint (gRPC).
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__STORE_NAME lakekeeper The OpenFGA Store to use. Default: lakekeeper
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__API_KEY my-api-key The API Key used for Pre-shared key authentication to OpenFGA. If LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__CLIENT_ID is set, the API Key is ignored. If neither API Key nor Client ID is specified, no authentication is used.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__CLIENT_ID 12345 The Client ID to use for Authenticating if OpenFGA is secured via OIDC.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__CLIENT_SECRET abcd Client Secret for the Client ID.
LAKEKEEPER__OPENFGA__TOKEN_ENDPOINT Token Endpoint to use when exchanging client credentials for an access token for OpenFGA. Required if Client ID is set


When using the built-in UI which is hosted as part of the Lakekeeper binary, most values are pre-set with the corresponding values of Lakekeeper itself. Customization is typically required if Authentication is enabled. Please check the Authentication guide for more information.

Variable Example Description
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI https://keycloak.local/realms/{your-realm} OpenID provider URI used for login in the UI. Defaults to LAKEKEEPER__OPENID_PROVIDER_URI. Set this only if the IdP is reachable under a different URI from the users browser and lakekeeper.
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_CLIENT_ID lakekeeper-ui Client ID to use for the Authorization Code Flow of the UI. Required if Authentication is enabled. Defaults to lakekeeper
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_REDIRECT_PATH /callback Path where the UI receives the callback including the tokens from the users browser. Defaults to: /callback
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_SCOPE openid email Scopes to request from the IdP. Defaults to openid profile email.
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_RESOURCE lakekeeper-api Resources to request from the IdP. If not specified, the resource field is omitted (default).
LAKEKEEPER__UI__OPENID_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_PATH /logout Path the UI calls when users are logged out from the IdP. Defaults to /logout
LAKEKEEPER__UI__LAKEKEEPER_URL URI where the users browser can reach Lakekeeper. Defaults to the value of LAKEKEEPER__BASE_URI.

SSL Dependencies

You may be running Lakekeeper in your own environment which uses self-signed certificates for e.g. Minio. Lakekeeper is built with reqwest's rustls-tls-native-roots feature activated, this means SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR environment variables are respected. If both are not set, the system's default CA store is used. If you want to use a custom CA store, set SSL_CERT_FILE to the path of the CA file or SSL_CERT_DIR to the path of the CA directory. The certificate used by the server cannot be a CA. It needs to be an end entity certificate, else you may run into CaUsedAsEndEntity errors.